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It’s Valentine’s Day! Happy Valentine’s Day! Hope you all had a wonderful day with your loved ones!

I woke up this morning and the Hubs and I got it on! Setting up a two-a-day! A perfect way to celebrate Valentines Day! We usually go out to dinner or do something together. We hadn’t made plans yet for today. With the Boy having his birthday party and then baseball practices and just being so busy we haven’t made plans. We did go out last night and I may have had too much to drink. I was hungover this AM and now I feel like I am trying to get the flu. I feel cold and feverish or we probably would go do something. But for now we have watched two Hunger Games movies (I can’t decide if I love or hate them I can’t handle watching the killing parts).

The Hubs and I are chilling on the couch. Took the boy to a sleepover with his buddy for his buddies birthday, the girl is here chilling too. The Hubs grilled up some amazing steaks that the Girl and I picked out earlier. She and I went to the store earlier and spoiled the boys (Hubs and the Boy) with gifts for Valentine’s Day after we got pedicures done. It has been a nice Valentines Day.

Even though the Hubs and I have had a romantic date and no flowers or chocolates were bought, I am quite happy and content today! I hope I am not getting sick but I am happy regardless. I love my family. I am going to power through and complete a two-a-day with him! (At least that is my intention, the mind is willing) I ❤ 2-a-days!

Hope you have a great day with you loves! Happy Valentine's Day!
